There’s a national day of celebration that is coming up on April 28, 2023, it's National Superhero Day.

National Superhero Day was dreamed up and implemented by the employees at Marvel Comics — of course it was. In my humble opinion they pushed for the official national day of observation to make more money.

They encourage fans to have a Marvel superhero movie marathon, dress up in your favorite superhero costume, read some comic books and generally make a day to celebrate and pay tribute to superheroes like Batman, Superman, The Hulk, Thor, Wonder Woman you get the idea.

It upsets me that we would divert attention from the true superheroes here in New Jersey; they are the superheroes that protect and serve our community.

They are the ones that teach our children, the doctors and nurses that make us better, the military and police, fire and EMT’s that keep us safe.

Townsquare Media
Townsquare Media

These are the superheroes that our children should look up to. These superheroes have dedicated their lives to making us safe and increasing the quality of life.

Here in New Jersey everyday our own superheroes walk the streets of the Garden State. They are your neighbors, brothers, sisters’ friends, family and strangers that you may encounter.

While our Jersey superheroes don’t wear capes, they don’t leap tall buildings in a single bound and they can’t stop bullets with their wrist bands, the help and service that they provide to our communities is heroic.

Sometimes we take those acts of heroism from our Jersey heroes for granted.

We need to tell them that we appreciate their service and on this National Superhero Day put away the Superman costume and save it for Halloween, give a real Jersey hero some love.

The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 weekend host Big Joe Henry. Any opinions expressed are Big Joe’s own.

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