Here's a question for you. How likely are you to lose something over the holidays? Perhaps it's something you'll misplace while traveling. Or maybe it's an everyday item at home.

Those of us in New Jersey aren't the only ones who misplace our everyday items and drive ourselves crazy searching for them. We do, however, have a funny and unique take on one such item we seem to lose quite a bit.

Now before we get into it, I will reveal that among the top four responses both nationally and in New Jersey that wallet or purse didn't rank that high. So rest assured that while you travel for the holiday, losing that wallet is one of the less likely items to misplace.

Not saying it can't happen, I'm just saying it didn't make the top four. Here's a look at those items, along with some fun stats regarding how long we take to search for said items.

Afterward, take the poll comparing the top four most lost items among New Jerseyans to see how you compare. Trust me, you're probably going to relate to the fourth most popular response quite well.

Items you're most likely to lose over the holidays in NJ

These are the top items most New Jerseyans are most likely to lose, according to you.

Gallery Credit: Mike Brant

Missing / Lost / Confused
Canva (Townsquare Illustration)

Have you lost these?

As I said earlier, I find it very surprising wallet or purse didn't top the lists either nationally or here in New Jersey. But for the ones you did tell me about during my show, I definitely can relate to all four mentioned.

Now I ask you. Among the four mentioned by our fellow New Jerseyans, which one of these are you most likely to lose while traveling? Or, have you lost one of these before?

Who to tip this holiday season and how much?

Gallery Credit: Jen Ursillo

The above post reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 Sunday morning host & content contributor Mike Brant. Any opinions expressed are his own.

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