Ignorance and weakness on display at Cherry Hill High School East (Opinion)
How far have we fallen that some parents and students at Cherry Hill High School East complained that the tickets to this year's prom were racially insensitive? What was the offending slogan? "Party like it's 1776." What?!?
It gets worse.
Not only was this most likely a reference to the Prince song "Party Like It's 1999", but the prom is being held at the National Constitution Center in Philly. Compounding the ignorance that would declare a theme about American Independence racist or insensitive was the principal of the school apologizing. This guy has embarrassed himself, his school and the community. Talk about an opportunity to stand up for reason and common sense. After the first parent complained, he should have issued a letter to the student body. But not an apology. Instead, he should have lectured the ignorant complainers by explaining what the American Revolution meant to our nation and future generations not just here, but around the world. No nation on earth has provided so much to so many. Political liberty, economic liberty, prosperity. Freedom to have diverse opinions. Freedom to choose our leaders. And the ability to evolve and right historical wrongs. All of this only possible because of the brave men who pledged their "lives, fortunes and sacred honor" so that we might be free.
Shame on principal Dennis Perry.
Shame on him for cowering in the face of extreme PC madness. Shame on him for encouraging ignorance among parents and students. Maybe the principal needs to go back to school, or just pick up a history book...or maybe ask for a refund on his doctorate tuition.
Bill Spadea is on the air weekdays from 6 to 10 a.m., talkin’ Jersey, taking your calls at 1-800-283-1015. Tweet him @NJ1015 or @BillSpadea. The opinions expressed here are solely those of Bill Spadea.
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