If you could fix one problem in New Jersey… (Opinion)
With Thanksgiving fast approaching, I recently wrote about the many things we have to be thankful for in New Jersey.
Living in New Jersey, whether or not you want to admit it, there are a lot of things to be thankful for; although there are also problems. Many of those are currently being cited by the candidates running in the upcoming elections who promise to fix them if elected.
But can they really? It seems like the people in office change but the problems in New Jersey never go away.
Property taxes remain high no matter who's in office. Gov. Murphy says crime is lower, and if you argue with that you're a racist.
Sen. Michael Testa argues with that, saying:
"Ask cops if they feel safe when Murphy’s new laws turn police into criminals if they try to stop kids who are openly breaking the law. Ask families if they feel safe with a surge of car thefts, out-of-control pop-up parties, and the governor’s attempts to disarm law-abiding citizens,” he said. “Ask low-income communities if they felt safe when the administration released thousands of criminals onto their streets, some of whom went on to commit violent crime- including murder.”
But those are just two examples of what we'd like to fix in New Jersey. If you were elected into public office and were able to fix but one thing that is wrong in New Jersey, what would it be? That was my question to my listeners and social media following.
Property taxes of course were overwhelming, but here are some other ideas as well:
Teddy Maturo
Someone told me that trying to get anything done in Trenton is like trying to nail jello to a tree. I’d work to get rid of all that jello
Matt Heavens
End Beach tags
Russell Bien
90 beaches, 90 different beach tags.
Dante Mele
Political corruption is the root cause of all of the evil in NJ
Amy Spagnuolo Higgins
Pork roll vs Taylor Ham debate!
Tina Barilla
Amy Spagnuolo Higgins- That'll never end. It's like the great sauce or gravy debate. In the end no one cares unless it tastes like they remembered it lol
Sam Bliss
Inability to get a 'Real ID' driver's license in a reasonable, easy and timely manner
Joe Cicalese
We need to tweak NJ's "home rule act" to encourage more partnership and cooperation between municipalities. In its current state it prevents meaningful progress in sharing services and drives up operating costs for towns and school districts. We need our municipalities to work together to deliver solutions to large looming problems like overcrowding in schools, stormwater management, public utilities, public officials' salaries, and so much more.
Veronica Anne
More time in jail for animal cruelty
Anthony Barberio
Giant weatherproof dome like in "The Simpsons Movie" to keep snow out
Anne Gray Rainsford
Car insurance
Tim Palladino
NJ Transit
Edward Damon
High salary no-show jobs
Ken Krauter
Self-service gas stations
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Steve Trevelise only. Follow him on Twitter @realstevetrev.
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