A disgusting story you’d expect more to come from Mississippi has been reported by NJ.com to have happened here in New Jersey. In the year 2019 no less. A clearly bigoted Uber driver with a twisted sense of Christianity kicked a pair of women out of her car. No they weren’t drunk and belligerent. No they weren’t fighting. The one woman simply gave her girlfriend a quick smooch on her cheek, according to NJ.com.

That’s when the passenger says the woman abruptly stopped and demanded they leave the vehicle. The NJ.com video seems to back up what the passenger claims happened next. She says she asked the driver if they were being kicked out just for being gay and the driver said yes. Before the passenger began recording on her cell phone she said the driver told her she was a Christian woman and the couple violated her beliefs, according to NJ.com. The way the video plays out I certainly don’t doubt it.

These two ladies were simply trying to get to a Zac Brown Band show in Camden. They were absolutely discriminated against and Uber did what was right; they fired the driver immediately.

No doubt you’ll have dumb people argue the driver’s religious freedom rights were violated. Spare me. Let’s not forget people used the same religious arguments in discriminating against mixed race couples. The U.S. Supreme Court struck down such state sponsored intolerance in Loving v. Virginia in 1967.

I’m glad Uber did the right thing in getting rid of this jerk. Yet I wish something more could be done. People like this are the reason young gay children feel so bad about themselves that they attempt suicide. People like this, in my opinion, are the worst kinds of false Christians. I hope God himself, herself or itself sets her straight someday.

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