It's an awful experience that nobody likes to admit they've done before. But in all likelihood, this has happened to you at least once in your life.

And it just sneaks up on you. Sure some factors can cause it, but you never believe it's going to happen.

I'm talking about oversleeping. And yes, this happened to me recently.

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Canva / Townsquare Media illustration
Canva / Townsquare Media illustration

I had a tee time for golf last weekend at 7 a.m. as I usually do on weekends. I like to try to get out at least once a week and enjoy some free time. But somehow I almost slept through it.

Let's backtrack for a second. The day before I had essentially zero sleep. I worked an overnight shift and then was out in the sun for a while too. So any energy that I had was zapped by 9 p.m.

Which I figured was fine. I went to bed at 9 p.m. Saturday with the thought that I would have plenty of sleep and could wake up no problem at 6 a.m. for golf.

Instead, my body naturally woke up at 4 a.m. Sunday morning. OK, I was pretty much wide awake and figured I should just stay awake then. But the comfort of my bed convinced me to go back to sleep and just wake up two hours later.

I figured I would be fine, but of course, I wasn't. Somehow I slept through my alarm and didn't wake up until 6:52 a.m. which was 20 minutes before my tee time. I scrambled to get to the course and ended up being there by the second hole, but it was embarrassing nonetheless.

I asked our listeners who else had overslept an event before and some of the callers made me feel better about myself. As it turns out, people have overslept picking up their kids, college exams, jury duty, and their first shift at their new job. Safe to say mine was far less severe than those instances.

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Gallery Credit: Dennis Malloy

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The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5's Kyle Clark. Any opinions expressed are his own.

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