Hey, NJ: don’t listen to the polls — go out and vote today!
Today is Election Day, or it used to be.
Many New Jersey residents may have already voted in the last week.
The period for early voting in our state was October 29 to November 6. More Democrats took advantage of early voting than Republicans in NJ.
Perhaps Democrats are more open to change than more traditional Republican voters.
Most Republicans were against the change to early voting during the pandemic.
Whether you voted already or plan to do it today, make sure you vote.
The polls that show one candidate or the other in the lead could be wrong, like way off.
Last year the polls had Governor Murphy leading the gubernatorial race ahead of the election by as much as 11 percentage points, but he ended up beating his opponent, Jack Ciattarelli by only 3 points.
It's uncertain if those poll numbers were enough to discourage Republican and independent voters from turning out to vote, but it may have.
Don't listen to the polls and the pundits.
Do your research and find the candidates that best represent your views and that you trust will represent your positions and go out and vote.
If you're a conservative in New Jersey it can be discouraging, and many people throw their hands up and feel it's not worth the effort.
We have twelve Congressional seats in New Jersey and ten of them are held by Democrats.
That's hardly a fair representative of all of the residents of this state.
Your vote for your representative in Congress is important. Vote today like the future of the country depends on it, because it does!
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Dennis Malloy only.
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