Monroe Twp recently had a Board of Education meeting and if you ever wondered what happens at a BOE meeting when you speak your mind, this video serves as a perfect example.

Al Klein - Resident of Monroe
Courtesy of Monroe TV


Monroe resident Mark Klein spoke up at the meeting and discussed how a recent increase would not be as beneficial to the residents of the town as the board made it out to be. Klein spoke about how the administration has done nothing to protect the residents and just doing whatever the state tells them with no fight or argument.

As Klein described his frustration with the administration and what they should be doing differently, Dr. Kenneth Hamilton, the Superintendent of Schools, got into an extremely heated screaming match with Klein. Hamilton said he was tired of hearing Klein rip the administration and he could no longer sit there and take it.

When Klein asked Hamilton if he'd like to have a discussion about ethics, Hamilton's reply was "bring it!"

You can watch the entire 3-4 minute exchange by clicking the link HERE and fast forward the player to the 58 minute mark of the video.

Mark Klein actually called into Jim's show after hearing Jim discuss the meeting on air and you can listen to what Mark had to say about the meeting encounter as well as why he is so incredibly frustrated with Monroe Twp in the audio player below.

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