Hate your friend’s significant other? Here’s how to address it — Forever 39 Podcast
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When your best friend meets "the one," you want nothing more but to feel absolute joy for her — but that joy can be hard to conjure up if you dislike her significant other. We've all had friends that have dated or even married people that we're just not fond of. It can be a difficult situation to navigate, especially if your friend wants to double date or if she's the type that wants to bring her man along for a night out with the girls.
In this episode of Forever 39, we share stories of our experiences, and how we handled them. In some cases, we kept quiet and just hoped the relationship would run its course. In other cases, we sat our friend down and told her exactly how we felt about her partner.
Thankfully, all of our relationships survived the truth, but it sure wasn't easy.
Whether you tell or not might depend on a few things, according to an article in Glamour.com. First and foremost, if the partner is treating your friend poorly, speaking up is the right thing to do, especially if there's verbal and physical abuse involved in the relationship. But if you just don't like her partner because he's a comic book geek and has a bit of an obsession with Wolverine, it's probably best for you to keep quiet. After all, who doesn't love a character with claws?
A pair of researchers from Ohio State University took a look at whether people communicate their dislike of friends' romantic partners. Shuangyue Zhang and Andy Merolla surveyed 205 participants and found that 121 were truthful with their friends. According to an article in Psychology Today about the study, most people indicated they told their friends because they wanted honestly in the friendships or because they wanted to protect their friends' well-being.
Not everyone is honest tough with their friends. About 40 percent of study participants said they didn't disclose their feelings about their friends' romantic partners. The reasons given vary, but the majority said they were concerned about upsetting their friends.
Whether you tell is really up to you, but you should check out these tips about how to handle the situation before you make your decision.
If you want to share how you handled a situation with your friend and their significant other, email us at forever39@nj1015.com.
Also from this week's Forever 39 podcast — Getting fit in your 40s. PLUS: Airbnb vs. hotels. Share your thoughts on all of them below, on Twitter, on Facebook or at forever39@nj1015.com.
— Annette and Megan, Forever 39
Join us for next week's podcast when we discuss how to stop saying "I'm sorry," our favorite viral moments, and 14 things you should never put on social media about your relationship.
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