NJ governor tells conservatives to ‘shove their thoughts and prayers’ (Opinion)
Like any cornered villain about to lose his power or authority, Gov. Murphy, like many Democrats fearing big losses in November, is lashing out viciously against the opposition.
Tuesday in a speech he told "right-wingers" to "shove their thoughts and prayers" in relation to the shooting victims in Buffalo over the weekend.
He uses any tragedy to justify pushing more government control and in this case gun control.
Let's talk about that for a minute. Perhaps you've heard about the woman that was sexually assaulted while jogging on Monday in Franklin Township. If you haven't, you can read more here.
This is the third such attack on a woman in Somerset and Middlesex counties in the last eight months. Perhaps if they were armed there would be one less creepy rapist on the planet today. But Murphy doesn't want us to carry weapons.
He is surrounded every day by armed personnel, but YOU can't have such protection. You're just a mere peasant, not deserving of protection.
How about if we just allow women to have concealed carry permits. Then he can do his usual pandering dance about protecting women. Wouldn't it be great to see women marching on the Statehouse demanding to protect themselves?
Fortunately, there is at least one state senator who is trying to restore our Second Amendment Rights in New Jersey. Junior Sen. Ed Durr, one of us — meaning a working-class person — is proposing legislation to change that.
If recent history is any indication of where this will go, it has little hope.
But maybe, just maybe the public in New Jersey is waking up to the failed, power-hungry, empty schemes that the progressive left has brought us. Murphy will soon be the head of the Democratic Governors Association, so he has a stake in national politics, which was his aim all along.
It's disgusting that he will use any tragedy or controversy to play on the emotional hemophiliacs that make us his hard-core base.
Although he appears like a gentlemanly father figure, he is a ruthless, calculating, filthy rich, guilty white progressive that will do anything to advance his power and that of his party.
Expect more lashing out in the next few months over any of the usual pandering progressive hot-button issues for fear of losing power in the upcoming mid-term elections. No one told him to "shove his thoughts and prayers" during his tri-weekly press conferences while his executive orders nearly wrecked the state.
Shame on him for his naked, blatant and obvious attempt to exploit a tragedy.
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Dennis Malloy only.
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