Gov. Murphy ignoring suffering parents and kids (Opinion)
What a bold and courageous leader Phil Murphy is that he promises schools will open next September.
Parents and children have been suffering for a year by not being in school. Parents are suffering financially, emotionally and physically. Kids are suffering mentally, emotionally and scholastically. Because he doesn’t want to piss off the teacher's union, he’s not forcing the issue.
The teacher's union is the most powerful political entity in the state. The teacher's union is why your kids aren’t in school. The teacher's union is why your parents moved out of state. The teacher's union is why your adult children can’t get a foothold and buy a home in this state and move away. The teacher's union is why Murphy made such a cowardly proclamation on Monday. They’ve endorsed him for governor and he owes them.
If you're a member of the teacher's union, congratulations. You are a member of the most powerful group of any kind in the state. If you are not but you’re related to someone who is, congratulations to you. You’re in the club by association. If you're not, you either stay here and deal with it, or like so many of your family and friends, look to greener pastures in other states with a system of government runs the state and not the teacher's union.
Murphy could have been strong and shown real leadership from the very beginning using “the science“ to browbeat the teachers into doing what they’re supposed to do. Teach!
The science shows they’re in no danger and neither of the kids. So many other professions in this state have been deemed "essential" and have reported to work every day since the pandemic started. Ask any parent if teachers are essential. They're fed up and several demonstrations are planned in the next few weeks to try and drive that point home.
As NJ.com reports, a rally called the One Year Out of School: NJ Rally for In-Person Learning is planned for Saturday, March 13 at the Bridgewater municipal complex and two others in Montclair and Hamilton, Mercer County. Similar rallies are scheduled in a total of 25 states.
I have good friends and family members that are teachers here in New Jersey. They're smart, hard-working people who really do care about the kids, even though they work in an increasingly difficult environment of idiotic ideas and impossible rules.
I don’t know how many times I have to say it, but you are not the priority if you are a taxpaying, hard-working private sector rube like most of us. You are just a piggy bank to fund the bloated government that supports whatever the teacher's union wants. Monday was another clear example of it. Do you get it yet?!
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Dennis Malloy. Any opinions expressed are Dennis Malloy's own.
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