Fluffy the dog’s letter to the Giants
Hi, Fluffy here.
First off I'd like to apologize for picking the Giants the first three weeks. I live with an owner who's a diehard fan and wasn't sure if those bowls would actually be my last meal. I kid.
But seriously, like so many, I thought the Giants would have started off much better. I think the downturn began when their coach abandoned his fluffy look and went heavy on the hair gel. I'm betting that gel smell walks in the locker room a half hour before he does. What part of Jersey is he representing? The refineries? Perhaps that stuff seeped into his brain and is effecting his play calling. He's been going for 4th downs the way I go for frisbees!
Then the players, if Trev used the offensive line to keep me in the back yard, I'd be in Cleveland by now. And where does OBJ get off with that peeing in the end zone move? That's my dance and I do it proudly but never on the furniture.
As for the defense, you've got to stay with those receivers like they've got hamburger in their pockets.
If you take away those Giants picks, I'm undefeated and last week I successfully picked the Eagles to beat the Chargers which they did. So from here on in, or at least until they win, I'm no longer picking the Giants. Instead I will spend the game consoling my owner and scarfing up whatever snacks fall from the table when he flips it. I expect to be eating a lot.
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