Check out Kym D’s ‘Singing My Song’ so powerful it inspired ‘Blue Bloods’
The best songs are the ones that rip your heart out. The ones that make you cry when you're singing along with them in your car or the shower. These are the songs that bring out the deepest feelings of the artist and make you feel the passion and pain right along with them.
Kym D's "Singing My Song" is so passionate that it's hard for her to sing it live for fear that she may break up in the middle of it.
"I was holding onto my childhood tragedy of sexual abuse for many years with NO outlet except my music, when my friend Stacy Barbati was gently nudging me to get it out and face my demons head on. So finally I decided to do just that," Kym said. "The lyrics were written and then with the help of Music Producer Kenny Lewis from recording studio, Mixed Emotions in Massachusetts, as well as Musician/ Producer Mike Caro with Submarine Studios located in Staten Island, the single was completed. It grew into a project of love, inspiration and triumph. My husband, Vince and three children have been my rock along with some family and friends. I have only sung this song out a few times and I get emotional each time, it is raw and rips me apart."
"Singing My Song" is so strong that it actually got the people from the hit series "Blue Bloods" involved, including director Joe Aspromonti.
"The task of putting the music video together came about by my friend Tara Boccia, who works as a prop woman on the CBS hit series 'Blue Bloods.' She called Laurie Ziel asking 'Hey, can you write a music video for my friend who is breaking out on her own?' Laurie jumped at the chance to help a fellow artist break ground and I am forever grateful she said yes," Kym said.
According to Kym, Tara then sent her over the song and "immediately she was on board. Well now, as Tara and Laurie sat discussing the video script notes, another friend and co-worker Joe Aspromonti walked in, read it, and offered immediately to direct the video for us. He is a first AD with many years of experience who also happens to work on the hit series 'Blue Bloods' No brainer— absolutely," Kym said. "Side note: I can be a bit blonde at times and did not realize how BIG in the industry he was until we started shooting, wanna talk about being humbled."
Before long, Kym was having her hair and makeup done and wardrobe selected as a camera crew and lighting designers worked with her behind the scenes. "Next thing you know, we had Tracy Boone in the Wardrobe Department dressing me to the nines, Cameraman Justin LeBlanc, Lighting guy Damian Kulikowski, Hair primped, curled and beautified by Billee Eldridge & an incredible Make-up team. The list just kept on growing with so many talented friends jumping on board; from being actors in the video to catering to cleanup etc"
"The amount of people who gave of their time was overwhelming to say the least. Laurie scouted locations, she called dear ol’ friend Mike Caro from Submarine Studios once again and he offered up his studio, as well as his home for filming. She than stopped to have a drink at Hot Shotz Lounge in Staten Island and mentioned to the owner, Lucielle Borgese of what we were working on and she offered up her place of business to film in without hesitation. Now we needed our lead… Raelynn Zofia Steuber, an extremely talented actress/model at the ripe ol’ age of 5 was the perfect choice to play the younger Kym D in the video.
Kym's still "Singing My Song" though she may still break up in the process. "I am ready to destroy those demons, put them to bed and share it with the world. I hope to be that voice of strength to those who are too frightened to speak or cannot come forward. This video has grown into something much bigger than myself but an ANTHEM of courage."
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