Ask a hundred people on the street what would they be looking for if they brought dogs to sniff for something in a prisoner's cell and I bet all hundred would have said drugs. Not anymore. It's 2011, Baby. The hot commodity?

Cell Phone Sniffing Dogs in NJ

Cell phones. Even if there's nothing all that sinister being done with them, look at all you can do today with a cell phone to stay connected to the world. Talk, text, surf the internet, answer email, listen to music, play games. Hell your average teenager could probably spend 72 hours in jail with his cell phone before even realizing he was locked up. More sinister though...drug operations are being run from prison cells over cell phones, gang operations too. Witnesses have been intimidated using them. Hits have even been ordered. The phone sniffing dogs are finding hundreds of them. And the number confiscated from 2009 to 2010 is double what it was the year before. How do the dogs do it? They're trained to detect gases emitted by phone batteries. This ain't your daddy's Shawshank, that's for sure.

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