New list: The 10 best New Jersey ZIP codes to live in
Livability can be quite different from one five-digit number to the next.
Ranking and review site Niche did its research to come up with a list of the best ZIP codes in the Garden State.
Grades from Niche take into account several key factors of a ZIP code area, including the quality of local schools, housing trends, employment statistics, and access to amenities.
Most weight was given to cost of living and the percentage of residents with a bachelor's degree or higher.
Below are the 10 best ZIP codes to live in New Jersey, according to Niche. Two of the spots are taken by the same town.
Many ZIP codes in New Jersey received an overall Niche grade of A+.
No. 10
No. 9
No. 8
No. 7
No. 6
No. 5
No. 4
No. 3
No. 2
No. 1
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Gallery Credit: Dennis Malloy