Best road trip music? Just ask Senator O’Scanlon
A strange story popped up in the news the other day about Bruce Springsteen music being the number one choice for people "preparing their cars for a road trip."
Wait, what?
You see, a nationwide survey of over 25,000 car owners was conducted for the Car Care Council. They were asked who they listen to when they were getting their cars ready for a road trip. Seems kind of tortured, doesn't it? Because the organization is all about maintaining your vehicle, they made up a survey about preparing your car, not actually what you listen to driving on a road trip.
We went with the more obvious and relatable question of what makes great driving music for a road trip. We had all kinds of answers but in the middle of the hour I texted State Senator Declan O'Scanlon asking if he had a pick. I was thinking how he's been a bit of a champion of NJ drivers. He led the fight to abolish red light cameras. He's also pushed for higher speed limits. Would he answer such a silly question?
You bet he would! Because he's a down to earth kind of guy. He didn't get the text in time for air, but he answered after the show that night.
So could the guy who destroyed the money sucking red light camera program be wrong? Doubtful. It's hard to argue with "Boys Of Summer" in a state with a great shoreline. Thanks for getting back Sen. O'Scanlon!
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