Artie Lange: I swear I’m still sober … no matter how I look
Last month, Artie Lange announced on New Jersey 101.5 that he was entering rehab, Now that he's out, the comedian came back to our studios to tell us how it went and to clear some things up. "Yeah I did the 28 days. Everything went very well. I had a very good therapist there. The other patients were nice, it was nice."
Thomas Garafola, the marketing director at the Retreat Premier Addiction Treatment Center who escorted Lange to his two appearances at the Stress Factory and Cherry Hill Crowne Plaza also called to say, "His recovery is going well ... he's doing the things that he has to do."
Lange was in great spirits as he kidded with Garafola, Kevin Meara founder of City Of Angels, comedian Reverend Bob Levy, and myself. He said, "I feel better than I look. I feel amazing because I'm coherent, I can travel again because I'm not always in withdrawal."
What's great about having Artie in the studio is that, you can look in his eyes and hear his words exactly as he means them. Lange addressed some articles where he's quoted from his tweets about Anthony Cumia which he called 'gentle ribbing.' Lange said "I'm glad I can rebut this, because first of all Cumia does a show which no one listens too now because I'm not on it. Actually listenership went up when i left ... [on the comments Cumia made towards him] it was gentle ribbing." I asked if he would be okay with having Anthony call in and he said "Sure"
That's the problem quoting off Twitter, you don't really know the true mood of the person or where they are coming from when they tweet.
“It’s nice that they pay attention to ya," says a humble Lange, " feel relevant. I'm getting all this attention because I think I’m the biggest screwup now since Robert Downey Jr. so they pay attention to me. I have Apollo Creed's nose after the 14th round. I gotta get 2 more operations on this [his nose]. There’s wreckage even after you get sober. I’m dealing with, I don’t look well, but I am well. Because I really am grateful to Kevin and you for this, not Bob.(kidding, Levy is a major part of this) No, it was great what you guys did for me. Kevin (Meara) you’re a good man.”
As are you Artie, which explains the reason as to why not only are we there, but his fans are as well. This I'll take from the many tweets:
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