Are these really the 6 best pizzas in Jersey?
The Daily Meal is at it again. Since 2012 they've been searching the country for the best pizza. They just released this year's "101 Best Pizzas In America."
As a Jersey guy born and raised, am I offended that a place in Connecticut was voted number 1? Yes. Am I put off that states like Illinois, Texas, and California are on the list? You bet. As far as I'm concerned, once you leave the New Jersey/New York area, it ceases to be pizza.
Am I gratified that at least New Jersey got 6 slots on the 101 Best? You bet your toppings I am!
Sad though that our highest showing was number 34. Regardless, The Daily Meal feels that of all the pizza in New Jersey the Thin Crust at Star Tavern in Orange is the absolute best.
The Tomato Pie at De Lorenzo's Tomato Pies in Robbinsville is 45. This place is the stuff of legend.
The Bufula pizza at Razza in Jersey City made it to 46. Better watch your back next year De Lorenzo's.
A tasty slice of heaven called the Sicilian at Santillo's Brick Oven Pizza in Elizabeth was voted 64.
The Mustard Pie (what the heck is a mustard pie?) from Papa's Tomato Pies in Robbinsville came in at 86. Is Robbinsville becoming Jersey's pizza Mecca?
A simple Cheese Pie from Reservoir Tavern in Parsippany completes New Jersey's showing on this year's list at 92.
Not only is it a shame that the number one pizza in America according to The Daily Meal is from New Haven, Connecticut, it happens to be a White Clam pizza. Bleccchhh!!! Where's the justice in that?
So Jersey, did they get it right? Are these really the 6 best pizzas and pizza joints in the Garden State? Let us know in the comment section.
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