36,000 busted for marijuana in NJ — We asked if that’s a lot
On the campaign trail, now-Gov. Phil Murphy promised legal marijuana — and our own Jeff Edelstein was pretty sure we'd have it already. But the path to legal pot may be full of more weeds than we thought.
But in the meantime — "New Jersey arrests a shocking amount of its citizens each year for simply smoking a joint," Jeff says. In fact, more than 1 out of every 250 New Jerseyans "were pinched for pot" last year alone.
"We're making criminals out of these people" — 36,000 of them in a single year. Only Wyoming arrests more people for marijuana per capita.
Jeff went out to meet everyday New Jerseyans and see if that sounded a like a lot to them.
"I've got the feeling that when you're arresting so many people for a crime like this, that it's the law that's the problem — not the smokers," Jeff says.
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