With winter coming to an end and warmer weather on the way New Jersey's roads are ripe to open up with potholes. Where are the biggest and worst potholes located around the Garden State?


So how do these bone-rattling, undercarriage destroying craters form?

Wikepedia defines a pothole as a type of disruption in the surface of a roadway where a portion of the road material has broken away, leaving a hole.

The formation of potholes is exacerbated by low temperatures, as water expands when it freezes to form ice, and puts greater stress on an already cracked pavement or road. Once a pothole forms, it grows through continued removal of broken chunks of pavement. If a pothole fills with water the growth may be accelerated, as the water "washes away" loose particles of road surface as vehicles pass.

Our unseasonably mild winter temperatures will hopefully prevent severe pothole problems from developing.  I can personally attest that I have not noticed a great amount of issues so far this season but it only takes one jarring encounter with a pothole to cause major damage to your vehicle or even an accident.

Getting a pothole in New Jersey repaired is very easy.

Fill out the Department of Transportation's pot hole form to report a pot hole. Or, call the DOT's Pothole Hotline at   1-800-POT-HOLE  (1-800-708-4653)

Tell us about the  craters on the Jersey roads please to give a heads up to your fellow drivers and possibly save them the indignity of hitting one of these potholes.

Use the form below to let us know about the potholes you encounter in your travels. We'll put together a list of New Jersey's Biggest Potlholes in a future Bobby Blacktop post. You can even send us a picture if you like.

What traffic topic or questions about the roads would you like to see answered? Let me know in the comments section.




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