What to do in New Jersey when your pet dies
When a beloved pet dies, it can be a heartbreaking experience.
It is important to make sure your pet is given the respect and honor that they deserve in death.
One of the most important decisions to make is what to do with the remains. When I was a kid or even raising my three kids, we just buried pets in the backyard.
That is still an option. Just make sure you follow state guidelines. If you live in New Jersey, pet owners are allowed to bury their pets in the backyard.
They have to follow the burial rules, putting your dead pets at least 2 feet underground.
For those who wish to keep their pet close, cremation is a popular option.
This gives you the ability to keep the remains in an urn or have them turned into jewelry. Pet cemeteries are also a great way to honor your pet, as they provide a permanent resting place for your pet that can be visited whenever you want.
We asked our listeners what they've done and how much they've spent doing so. Americans spent $124 billion on pet products and services in 2021.
This is equal to buying 2,638,298 new cars. The average dog owner spent $1,480 and the average cat owner spent $902.
This includes expenses once your pet has "gone over the rainbow bridge." One caller said she spent around $2,800 at the Hamilton Pet Meadow and another $500 on a granite marker.
Another listener said he spent about $150 for a "group cremation" at Abbey Glen Pet Memorial Park in Lafayette, New Jersey.
One caller said the cost for a single cremation and the remains returned cost her around $400.
Other callers said a private cremation was around $300.
Another caller had a veterinarian come to the house to euthanize the animal and removed the pet with cremation and it came to about $800.
Like so many things in our world today, there are lots of options. It's just a matter of what you can afford and what you are your family are comfortable with.
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Dennis Malloy only.
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