Voters to Christie: ‘Don’t let the door hit you on the way out’
On this election eve, a new Fairleigh-Dickinson/Public Mind poll on Gov. Chris Christie's tenure finds better than 4 in 10 describing him as among Jersey's worst governors.
Poll director Krista Jenkins sums it up: "Don't let the door hit you on the way out."
She says 17 percent approve of Christie's job performance, 73 percent disapprove.
"Right now, Chris Christie's job approval is the lowest that we have ever measured in 16 years of polling the state that we have done."
About 53 percent rate Christie somewhere in the middle of the pack of Jersey governors. Just 4 percent in the poll rated him as the best.
Jenkins says, "With the exception of a single area, which is the environment, a majority or a plurality of voters say that conditions have worsened since Gov. Christie took office eight years ago."
"By comparison, Gov. Christie's predecessor left office with approval numbers that were upside down as well. But Jon Corzine still had a higher approval rating when he left office than does Gov. Christie, with numbers that were more than double those for the current governor."
Jenkins says if anything, a sour voter attitude about Christie two years ago has turned even more sour now.
Joe Cutter is the afternoon news anchor on New Jersey 101.5
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