Trump-bashing has some celebrities cashing in
Maybe it's my New Jersey upbringing, but when I see all these celebrities making a career out of making fun of the president, I'm thinking of the money they're probably making from doing it.
That's why there's no way they'd ever make good on their previous threats to leave the country. They've found a brand-advancing cottage industry.
Today it's all about advancing your brand and the people who watch Melissa McCarthy make fun of Sean Spicer on "Saturday Night Live," may go back and watch those Mike and Molly reruns or one of her many movies currently running on cable. Now she's got another reason to be relevant.
The more people who agree with Bruce Springsteen's views on Donald Trump, the more people who will buy his book, music or save up the money to see him live. Not that he needs it, but it's there. Stephen Colbert's making it work for him during late night to the point where's he's bringing his old friend Jon Stewart to help out. Then there's Alec Baldwin...I don't know what can help him.
The entertainment business is like a series of trapezes in a circus and the crowd will watch, as long as you're swinging from one to the other. You're never more relevant than when the crowd is watching.
So what about alienating the Trump supporters? Chances are if they like you, they will already have bought your album or seen your movie and will continue to be entertained by you. I'm guessing the small percentage of those who may turn you off will be more than made up for by those new Trump-bashing fans who will turn you on.
So while you're watching and listening and maybe laughing, remember the old saying, "Follow the money," because they are....all the way to the bank!
Steve Trevelise is on the air from Monday-Thursday, 7 to 11 p.m. Tweet him @realstevetrev or @nj1015.
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