Trev’s cousin Rich needs a kidney, can you help?
My cousin Rich has always been a fighter who would give anything he has to anyone who needs. Now he's fighting kidney disease and he needs your help. Rich has Membranes Glomerulonephritis, literal translation, Rich needs a kidney.
By day, Rich is either running Reliable Safety Systems Inc which he founded or announcing and managing the motocross track at Raceway Park. By night, he's on Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) for eight hours. He also has a wife Laurie and two sons Richie and Ryan who also race in tournaments that he takes them to in his RV while he continues the treatment.
Rich joined me on air last Tuesday when I filled in for Dennis and Judi. Up to that point he's been very private about his problem. Usually he's the one doing the giving as anyone in either our family or his extended motocross and work family will attest. It would be a privilege for someone to be able to give him this gift of a normal life back.
We took calls from so many organ donors in New Jersey. If you're going to donate anyway, how great would it be for you too see the living results of your donation? If you'd like to get tested as a possible donor for Rich, call The St. Barnabas Living Donor Institute at 973-322 5346.
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