Tips to Keep Your Pet Safe in an Emergency
Emergencies come without warning. Having an evacuation plan will increase your chances of staying safe in emergency situations. If you own a pet, you should include them in your evacuation plans and know what to do in the event you are forced to leave your pet behind. Here are some tips on how to keep your pet safe during an emergency.
- Know which hotels and motels near you will allow pets to stay in case you must evacuate your home.
- Have an emergency supply kit ready for pets with carriers, leashes, food, water, bowls, a manual can opener, grooming supplies and litter or newspaper.
- Keep copies of important medical records on hand, along with photos of you and your pet in case you are separated. Also have your veterinarian’s numbers ready in case of a medical emergency.
- Make a list of conditions and habits your animal may have, along with its feeding schedules.
- Include your pet in evacuation drills so that you have a better plan of how to get your pet to safety in case you must leave your house.
- Talk to your relatives, neighbors, and friends about providing care for your pet if you are unable to do so in an emergency.
- Make sure your pet has an updated ID tag on his or her collar.
- As soon as a storm is announced, bring your pets inside.
- Keep your pet up to date with all vaccinations.
- Have plenty of food and water handy.
- Although it is not as important, pack one or two of your pet's toys to take with you in case you are evacuated.
- Look into local pet boarding places in case you must evacuate without your pet.
- Consider evacuating before you are told to do so, so that the chances of having to leave your pet behind would only be in the most dire of circumstances.
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