This NJ guy is giving away thousands of free suits for prom
Here’s a quote from Sequain Harris:
A suit makes me feel amazing. The same way a fresh haircut can make you feel good, a suit makes me feel the same way. For me personally, through trial and error, I know a suit will make you behave better in certain environments. You won’t party in a suit, the way you would in a T-shirt.
Now quoting someone would make you think they’re famous.
No, Sequain Harris is just a New Jersey guy from Newark, a really good New Jersey guy, who’s doing something very amazing. And that quote was one he gave to nj.com.
He’s described as a young entrepreneur. At 29 years old he’s been making money through purchasing unclaimed storage units then turning around what he finds inside and selling it.
So what’s all this have to do with free suits for prom?
Back in October Harris acquired an unclaimed storage unit and inside he found approximately 3,000 suits.
Some were with jackets missing, others were missing pants. But, there are plenty of perfectly fine great looking suits that are in good condition that he could be making a small fortune on.
Instead, he decided he wants to give them away free to any guy who needs them. He’s thinking prom season, because he knew friends who were too broke to be able to have clothes to attend their own prom.
Really, the suits are for whatever reason you need them, like a job interview for example, or a wedding.
With prom season upon us he ought to have plenty of appreciative kids. He’s hoping to hold an event on May 6 where anyone can come and pick out a suit for free. He’s had dozens of volunteers helping him organize. Harris hopes to announce details on a location and time for the free suit giveaway in late April.
Meanwhile he’s also seeking other kind-hearted people willing to donate things like clothing racks and wardrobe boxes. If you’d like to get in touch with Sequain Harris about his effort you can contact him via his Facebook page or his Instagram.
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski only.
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