The stock you need to buy if you live in New Jersey
If you're looking for a great stock tip living in New Jersey, try either the Clorox Company or Reynolds Consumer products, or both. They are the makers of Glad and Hefty trash bags, respectively, and with the single-use plastic bag being in the Garden State starting April 4, these bags will probably be what most people turn to.
Q. What did one bird say to the other?
A. "If it weren't for that bag ban in New Jersey, I wouldn't be here."
Soon birds and fish off the coast of our shores will owe their lives to this if you listen to those who are in favor of the ban. The reality of the situation is that people will instead end up forgetting their "tote bag" that they got from public television or some competitor of the store they're shopping in and end up buying a box of either Glad or Hefty bags. The more you forget, the more boxes you will buy, and the more the stock goes up.
Of course, as we all know, those Glad and Hefty bags won't hurt the environment at all, just like the virus won't infect you if you're sitting down eating or performing on stage in a theatre where the audience who showed proof of vaccination are forced to wear masks.
Oh, by the way, there are many other uses for those single-use bags. My favorite one is to use them to take this law banning the bag to the dumpster and throw it out.
Here are some other things people in New Jersey do with those dreaded single-use bags.
Valeria Jobst Morgan
Cat litter, dog poop, bathroom/or any smaller garbage cans in the house, to put dirty clothes in-in a hurry if out, put the dirty diaper in to tie up & throw away, to place wet items in to separate from dry items, car garbage bag, just to carry anything in when needing something to carry an item in, and you ALWAYS need at least 1 plastic bag to hold all the other plastic bags
Brian Brown
Use in your car for trash
Steven Keller
They are Poo Bags. Pure and Simple. Take groceries home. Use bag for lunch (2 0r three days). Pick up dog poop.
Tina Marie
They are "free" , so everything, garbage bags, wrapping paper, dog poop bags, wrap my phone in when it's raining, keep one in my back pocket for a rain hat, lol.
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Steve Trevelise only. Follow him on Twitter @realstevetrev.
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