The most popular dog costumes for Halloween 2018
Halloween isn't just for kids. Turns out it's not just for humans either. According to the National Retail Federation nearly half a billion dollars is spent in the U.S. each year on Halloween costumes for pets. I assume most of that is for dogs. I can't see cats being subservient long enough to get a clown collar on.
This means over 31 million Americans are planning on humiliating their pets and crushing their spirits this Halloween by dressing their animals in something unnatural. So according to research what are the most popular pet costumes this year? Here's the top 10.
1) Pumpkin
Nothing says kill me now like a dog being forced inside a pumpkin costume
2) Hot Dog
Always a wacky perennial for a Dachsund
3) Bumble Bee
I guess the dog doesn't have it's own Snapchat account with a bee filter.
4) Devil
Devil Dogs were horrible snack cakes, so I'm not sure the costume is going to be any better.
5) Cat
Wait, what does this mean? They want you to dress your dog up like a cat I guess?
6) Dog
Okay, see comment for #5 and reverse it. So is this a swipe at our transgender friends? Some snarky commentary on identifying as the opposite species?
7) Lion
Fine. Identify as a lion and use whatever bathroom you want. I'm not messing with a lion. Kidding aside, the lion costume on a Golden Retriever looks legit!
8) Star Wars Character
Can't we be more specific here? There's a big difference between my Komondor pulling off a Chewbaca costume and a Darth Maul costume.
9) Super Hero
Try getting a cod piece on a pit bull. Just sayin'.
10) Ghost
I hope this isn't just a white sheet thrown over a dog with two eye holes cut out. This won't end well.
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