Survey: 13% of NJ’s young adults think Jews caused the Holocaust
This is why every nationality in this country needs a month to celebrate their heritage.
A 50-state survey of millennials and Gen Zers (ages 18-39) done by the nonprofit "The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany" found some knew little to nothing about the most horrific event in modern history.
According to the New Jersey numbers posted on the "Holocaust Awareness and Study chart in the article, 13 percent of those surveyed in New Jersey believe Jews caused the Holocaust. Of those surveyed, 43% couldn't name a concentration camp or a ghetto, 37% did not know what Auschwitz was, 58% did not know that 6 million Jews were killed in the Holocaust, and 27% believed 2 million or fewer Jews were killed during the Holocaust.

Spokesman Benjamin Grossman told the Times Union that 200 interviewees were in every state, whether it was as thinly populated as Idaho and Montana or had a population as huge as New York's or California's. Numbers were crunched for each individual state as well as a national score. Nationally, 11 percent of the responders blamed the Jews for the Holocaust.
You would think that everyone that age would know the facts of the Holocaust. You would think that they'd be teaching it in schools. Then you see comments made by Eagles wide Desean Jackson about Hitler, for which he has since apologised, and you see how much more emphasis needs to be taught in the schools,
I've long been a proponent of every nationality or ethnicity in America getting a month to celebrate its heritage. This month, starting Sept. 15, is Hispanic Heritage Month. Of course, February is Black History Month, I think we should also celebrate among others Italian History Month, Irish History Month, and Jewish History Month.
There are a lot of things we don't know and should know about each other. I think if we learned more about our various heritages and ancestors we'd find that we have a lot more in common than we think. Once we realize that, we all would get along so much better.
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