There is a big fundraiser this weekend and two local bands are set to perform at the Headliner in Neptune.

We were joined this morning by Joe Bridgewater, a retired NYPD Detective, who is also in the band Strictly 60's. The band is set to perform on Sunday April 2, at the Headliner to benefit Toms River Police Officer Brett Hansen, who was severely injured in a car accident.

Strictly 60's, along with Suspended Justice, are both performing at the event in Neptune. Since he retired, Detective Bridgewater said that he and the band perform at a lot of the fundraisers for police, although none of the other members are, or were, officers.

In honor of the fundraiser, we are making Toms River Officer Brett Hansen this week's #BlueFriday honoree.

You can listen to Joel's full call about the Brett Hansen fundraiser in the YouTube clip below.

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