Spadea super-spreading through the holidays (Opinion)
Another day, another tsunami of fear coming from New Jersey media.
Listening to Fauci, Murphy and the cast of political elites turned propagandists making sure you only enjoy your holiday if you played by their rules.
Meanwhile, it seems the tide is turning. The demand for the booster shot is waning and the percentage of families pushing their kids to vax seems to be way lower than the expectations set by the government.
'We're smiling without a mask, without a vaccine, and looking forward to having a houseful throughout the holiday season.'
The governor in New Jersey is trying to pressure kids to get vaccinated by tying the outrageous mask mandate to the number fully vaxxed. Pointing out our differences with the government and big pharma will get you canceled on social media and maybe even fired.
I'm still locked out of my LinkedIn account for pointing out that there is plenty of science showing that masks are simply not what the media portrays them to be. That aside, I'm feeling super confident.
For the first time in a while, we're seeing the vaccinated, mask-wearing "Karens" yelling at the "normals" for not continuing to cower in fear from COVID. For us, we're smiling without a mask, without a vaccine, and looking forward to having a houseful throughout the holiday season.
Our kids are traveling home for the holidays and all their friends are invited to several super-spreader events. All the while my unvaccinated 80-year-old mother-in-law will be enjoying the company and the interaction. We will ignore any so-called limits or recommendations from the CDC and other government agencies who in my opinion have become nothing more than the PR department for big pharma.
I might be able to help you if you are suffering from the newest pandemic, COVID Derangement Syndrome.
Most of the country is back to normal. You only have to look at the absurdity of masking kids in school after they spend the weekend unmasked and unvaccinated attending super-spreader high school, college, and NFL games with tens of thousands of other people.
I pointed out the absurdity of public health officials ignoring and vilifying the "experiment" in Sweden, despite the fact that 1.8 million children ages 0-15 were directed to stay in school, unmasked and without social distance throughout the pandemic. The result? No deaths through June 2020.
It's too bad that we can't have a normal discussion about what clearly worked in Sweden and what failed by any reasonable measure in New Jersey with the deaths of thousands of seniors in long-term facilities while temporary hospital beds across the state remained unoccupied.
I might be able to help you if you are suffering from the newest pandemic, COVID Derangement Syndrome. The symptoms are a fixation on "infection rates" hating anyone who isn't scared and masking while alone. Have no fear though, help is on the way.
If you know someone suffering, please have them tune into my show every weekday morning, 6 to 10 a.m. for a dose of truth that just might help them recover.
<em>The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Spadea. Any opinions expressed are Bill's own. Bill Spadea is on the air weekdays from 6 to 10 a.m., talkin’ Jersey, taking your calls at 1-800-283-1015.</em>