Rascals’ Eddie Brigati reveals his last farewell to drummer Dino Danelli
Young Rascals drummer Dino Danelli passed away on Dec. 15. Eddie Brigati, who was Danelli's bandmate in that iconic '60s band that was formed in 1964, in Garfield, and who sang lead on the rock classic "How Can I Be Sure?," spent an incredible ninety minutes on my New Jersey 101.5 show.
Among the many topics we covered was when he got to see Dino Danelli for the last time.
In October, a friend of ours, Joe Russo, who's the archivist of the Rascals, knows more about us than anybody living. He said Dino doesn't really look well. He said, I think it would be a good idea if you came to see him because I hadn't seen Dino for quite a while after, our concert.'
Brigati described his friend on the road.
Dino was the consummate artist. Whatever hotel you were in or motel, he jumped in there and rearrange the furniture, put on the television, put on the radio, put his table in the middle of the room, pull out his art things and paint and write. I'd be dying to go to sleep, and I'd look out the window and he's gone to an art show. So he was truly an artist, a man of few words. You know, he didn't need words.
Brigati sees Dino Danelli for the last time.
I saw him, and we had a very light conversation because it's no secret that there's a lot of conflict in our history, But I said, 'Dino, I teach with these kids where Susan and I are part of the Rockit foundation down in South Jersey.' I said, 'Dino, all these kids know about you. They know you.' Dino probably told the best truth out of the other faction of the group. He probably told you truly as a true artist. I said, 'These kids love you. Anybody, you talk to all say 'Dino's the guy.'' And I told him I loved him, and I thanked him.
He was having lunch when we broke in on him, and I said, 'Finish your lunch.' He said, 'No, I'll go back.' And I said, 'You want to take the tray?' 'Yeah, I'll take the tray too.' Because there was ice cream on the tray. But it was a beautiful, beautiful send-off.
I'm so fortunate that I got to say, thank you, and I love you. And basically, I read he left a couple of weeks later. It was time for him. You know, it was time for him to go and I wrote something about him.
Here's what Eddie wrote about his friend Dini Danelli:
Dino, we rejoice in your bliss. You went to that higher place, graduated; you earned it. Your art created a legend out of the ethers, second to none. Painting rhythms, accents, colors, beneath, behind, and beyond the song's voices. To the highest of life cycles rising, lifting, flashing, slashing. Hummingbird anvils, like silver cymbals and booming bass drums. Locking in our eternal position, in the contemporary music arts. We collectively broke through that economic social ceiling by joining forces. The original creations came from the pure, mutualism equitable input of our youth. Thank you, brother.
To hear the entire Eddie Brigati interview, click here to listen to the podcast, and go about halfway in.
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Steve Trevelise only. Follow him on Twitter @realstevetrev.
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