Parents and kids want back into school — too bad for them (Opinion)
If parents and their kids had a well-funded lobbying organization or a union with lots of power and money, they might get what they want. But they don't have these powerful organized groups speaking for them, cajoling and threatening politicians — so, sorry, you don't matter. That's how politics works, especially in a place like New Jersey.
Almost half of New Jersey school districts remain closed offering only remote learning, even though this past summer the governor said they'd be open unless there was a specific reason to keep them closed. Perhaps the king wasn't fully aware of who actually runs this state, despite his executive, emergency orders designed to wield unlimited authority.
Parents and kids are suffering. They have had enough. Parents have exhausted alternatives in home/work balance solutions. Kids are already showing signs of decline academically and socially.
Isn't it supposed to be "all about the children?" Pah-leeze! The union that runs the good people that teach our kids, care about their union. Period, full stop — as King Murphy would say.
Some frustrated parents have started a group called New Jersey Families for in Person Learning with a Facebook page. They're circulating a petition to at least give an option of "in person" instruction in our schools.
These folks are desperately pleading for our elected officials on all levels to listen and respond to their needs.
No lobbyists, no union, no service! There's a lesson you won't get IN New Jersey public schools, but you get it from OBSERVING New Jersey public schools.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Dennis Malloy. Any opinions expressed are Dennis's own.
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