NJ mom, lawyer speak out against masks and mandates for kids (Opinion)
Biostatistician Nicole Stouffer and New Jersey attorney Kristen Sinclair are speaking out strongly against forcing masks on kids and vaccine mandates.
Using actual evidence of the low danger COVID poses to children, they are speaking out and preparing to fight in court. They have teamed up with other attorneys and are organizing rallies in support of medical freedom and common sense when it comes to policies that impact our children.
I met Nik at the Point Pleasant Boro Community Park when I was hosting an important event for my friend Tom Hudanish. The Nicholas Hudansish Foundation annual event raises funds for an important school curriculum teaching kids coping skills to avoid addiction.
It's appropriate that we met at this event. Seems that people falling victim to fear because they lack the ability to overcome adversity is a common theme in modern America. When it comes to COVID-craziness, too many people are too afraid to embrace the facts behind the extremely low mortality rate and the fact that younger, healthy people are simply not at the level of risk reported and encouraged by most media outlets.
Maybe New Jersey would look a little more like the prosperous and free states of Texas, Tennessee, and Florida.
Many people have hinged their hopes on a certain election outcome but we all know that it's increasingly more difficult to trust any politician these days. I taped a TV interview this week with the chairman of the New Jersey Republican Party on my friend Heather Darling's new show. My point was clear, politicians should be judged on what they have DONE, not what they say they will do to win votes. It's a point that was made often by my friend and former colleague in real estate, Mary Banen. We interviewed hundreds of people for a growing company and based hiring decisions on performance examples, not hypothetical situations.
If you look at the actions, well inactions of GOP leaders in New Jersey over the past 20 years and not just during the lockdowns, the tale is of a feckless party with no new ideas and no courage to implement policies that would protect individual rights, families, workers and small businesses.
Imagine if the politicians took the time to listen and learn from the experts and the courageous local warriors like Nicole and Kristen. Maybe New Jersey would look a little more like the prosperous and free states of Texas, Tennessee, and Florida. Sadly at this point, without a strong fight from new leaders and lawyers, we're looking more like California and Vermont. Not a good look Jersey.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Spadea. Any opinions expressed are Bill's own. Bill Spadea is on the air weekdays from 6 to 10 a.m., talkin’ Jersey, taking your calls at 1-800-283-1015.

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