NJ man who stopped roadside rape could get congressional honor
A Burlington County man who stopped a sexual assault along a busy highway is among just over two dozen finalists for the 2020 Citizen Honors Awards, as decided by the Congressional Medal of Honor Society.
"The Citizen Honors Awards recognize Americans whose exceptional courage and selfless service embody the values of the Medal of Honor: courage and sacrifice; commitment and integrity; citizenship and patriotism," according to the society's website.
State Police commended John Bishop in June 2019, for rushing to help a woman who police said had been dragged by a man from a car into a wooded area along a ramp from Route 295 to Route 73.
The attacker was arrested and charged with kidnapping, criminal attempted sexual assault and aggravated assault.
Bishop and a second New Jersey man are among 10 finalists in the Single Acts award category.
Andrew Forrest "safely extracted a driver from a horrific crash and subsequent fire, without regard for his own safety," according to a written summary of award finalists.
Zachary Brooks, of Summit, is the only finalist this year in the Youth Service category of Citizen Honors Awards.
"Zachary Brooks has been an advocate for those affected by autism, especially his twin brother, since elementary school (he is now a high school senior)," according to the written description from the awards finalist release.
"He has rallied the community and local schools every April for Autism Awareness Month, to show their support of awareness, acceptance and welcoming all into the community. He is selfless, understanding, forgiving and never bitter. He started with wanting to make the world kinder for his twin brother and now, everyone."
The top 27 finalists for this year’s awards were selected from more than 110 nominations through two rounds of judging.
From the finalists, six U.S. citizens and one organization will receive Citizen Honors Awards this year.
Award recipients will find out on March 12, two weeks ahead of the Citizen Honors dinner that will be held March 25 in Washington D.C., according to a spokesperson.
Bishop also was honored by his company, Cooper University Health Care, as he is an employee at the ambulatory facility in Voorhees.
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