Best places to take dad for Father’s Day brunch in New Jersey
Usually on the weekends, it's Dad who's doing the cooking. He's usually the one on the grill side taking the orders and serving up the meats. But this Sunday, on Father's Day, it could be your turn to take him out to brunch in style. But where do you go?
Personally, despite the times, I'm a big fan of a nice buffet and a nice juicy steak. I'm also a cheap date for my kids because I have twin boys. But that's me. You know what your Dad likes.
What I like about brunch is that you don't have to spend all day in a restaurant. After you eat, you can spend the day with your father and do other things as well. Also, you can only sit in a restaurant chair for so long before you want to get out of there.
Unless of course, there was a band playing. Perhaps one with a Rock n Roll Hall of Famer and former member of the E Street Band.
I asked my listeners and social following where the best Father's Day brunches are and this is what they came up with.
Tom Aiello
Capital Craft, Green Brook NJ
Gail Morrone
Curtains Restaurant in Avenel
150 Avenel Street
Joey Calvo
Zinna's Bistro in Cranbury
Keith Vena
Brickhouse Tavern (Princeton)
Tommy’s Tap Tavern (Princeton)
Turning Point Cafe (Princeton/Lawrenceville)
Cheesecake Factory (Princeton/Lawrenceville)
KC Prime (Princeton/Lawrenceville)
Mark Lemma
We like getting Tomato pie at Palermo’s Bordentown on Father’s Day with my Dad who just turned 93 and my kids and my brother.
Wherever you go and whatever you do, may you have the greatest time complete with plenty of stories to tell in the future. Happy Father's Day!
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Steve Trevelise only. Follow him on Twitter @realstevetrev.
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