New Jersey is full of obnoxious drivers, never mind the holiday season. From the left lane crawler to the shoulder speeder, there's no shortage of these particular individuals operating vehicles that probably shouldn't be behind the wheel.

Now sure, some might just be confused by our laws, and to a certain extent, I get that. If a driver is confused with how to turn left in our state, then I absolutely give them a pass. I mean, we're the most confusing state for that. The only place where three rights make a left.

But that's an exception. Most of our other laws tend to be black and white. And this particular driver was not only in the wrong, but their own state even has this law.

Wait, there's a law? Why PA drivers have no excuse in NJ

For New Jersey drivers, this one might be an eye-opener.

Gallery Credit: Mike Brant

Highway / Police / blue flashing lights / NJ cop
Canva (Townsquare Illustration)

NJ cop enforces law with PA driver

It might be hard enough to believe a left-lane law actually exists in Pennsylvania. But what's even more unbelievable is that I actually witnessed a New Jersey cop get a PA driver out of the left lane for going too slow.

I was on the Garden State Parkway heading southbound around the Brick area. I was in the middle lane as I started to approach what appeared to be a slower car on the left.

I also noticed a police car coming up the left lane going faster than I was. They didn't seem to be going insanely fast, but they were moving at a good clip. And it didn't take long for them to get to this slow left-lane traveler.

Police lights
Credit: TheaDesign

When that slower car didn't get out of the way (and they clearly could move as the highway was fairly empty at this time), the officer put its lights on. The car responded right away and started moving toward the right.

Once it got into the right lane, the officer's lights went off, and that was it. The squad car got back into the left lane and carried on its way, leaving what turned out to be a PA driver, now traveling in the right lane... where it belonged.

No, the driver didn't get a ticket, but I'm sure they got nervous. It's a problem we deal with all the time in New Jersey - Keep Right, Pass Left - Is that so hard? Kudos to this New Jersey officer for getting them out of that left lane.

A note to NJ drivers that speed up the shoulder to avoid traffic

A special message for those driving in New Jersey who treat the shoulder as their own personal lane.

Gallery Credit: Mike Brant

The above post reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 Sunday morning host & content contributor Mike Brant. Any opinions expressed are his own.

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