Many of us knew it from when the vaccine program was pretty new, in our hearts, but also from the independent research we had done. The vaccine didn't prevent you from getting or spreading the COVID-19 virus, and it became apparent to the rest of the world that it didn't make sense to get the vaccine "to protect others" from getting COVID. Many healthcare workers were coerced into getting the shot against their will, and many were fired.

(Photo: CDC, Unsplash)
(Photo: CDC, Unsplash)

This was one of the most egregious violations of body autonomy and personal rights in our nation's history; no one seemed to care that much. The government (idiots like Murphy), and the media did a good enough job of scaring people out of their wits that they were willing to do anything to "stay safe."

Well, not everybody. Some brave and intelligent people, in the medical field in particular, stuck to their convictions and refused to get the new experimental shot even though they were repeatedly told by people like King/Father/Emperor Murphy that the shot was "safe and effective."

(Photo: Associated Press, Canva, Townsquare Media Illustration)
(Photo: Associated Press, Canva, Townsquare Media Illustration)

He's still saying it! Tell that to the people who got seriously injured from the vax, or who got a pretty bad case of the virus even though they were vaccinated and boosted. At least now, long after the damage has been done and the nursing shortage has become critical, has Murphy lifted the vaccine mandate for healthcare workers.

(Photo: Olena Hololobova)
(Photo: Olena Hololobova)

Wow. Now that it doesn't matter, and long after we've learned the truth about how useless that whole program was, this clown comes out and lifts that mandate. Great, brave, insightful move Mr. New Hairdo, I want to run for President Fluffy Head!

How much your school district gets under Murphy's proposed 2024 budget

Gov. Phil Murphy's porposed 2024 budget includes $1 billion in new spending for school funding including pre-K funding, pension and benefits, and an additional $832 million in K-12 aid, which is listed below by county and district.

Weird things NJ taxes - and some they don't

In general, New Jersey assesses a 6.625% Sales Tax on sales of most tangible personal property, specified digital products, and certain services unless specifically exempt under New Jersey law.
However, the way the sales tax is applied in New Jersey sometimes just doesn't make sense.
New Jersey puts out an itemized list for retailers that spells out what is, and what is not, taxed. 
Perhaps because this is New Jersey, there are some bizarre and seemingly contradictory listings. 

Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Dennis Malloy only.

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