Layonne Holmes to appear on Big Joe Henry Variety Show — Aug. 29
Join me for another Big Joe Henry Variety Show on the beach in Seaside Heights. Join me this Wednesday night, Aug. 29 and every Wednesday night through the summer at 7:00 p.m, it's free! Bring your beach chairs, family and friends.
This Wednesday night I welcome musical guest Layonne Holmes, and teen singing sensation Paige Sidwa. As always we've got the best house band in North America, Pat Guadagno and the Big Band, plus Jasmine will be there and we’ll play Stump the Big Band too!
Fireworks follow the big show every Wednesday night. Join us for a free family night of big fun, great music and laughs. The show starts at 7:00 p.m. right off the Grant Avenue entrance off the boardwalk on the beach in Seaside Heights and it's proudly brought to you by The Asbury Park Press.
Also: Find Lil' Joe Henry and complete other scavenger hunt challenges at the Big Joe Henry Variety Show at Seaside Heights for your chance to win a $50 Whole Foods Gift Card. Only on the New Jersey 101.5 app.
Photos from previous Big Joe Henry Variety Shows:
The Big Joe Henry Variety Show
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