Join Big Joe for a special screening of Asbury Park: Riot, Redemption, Rock & Roll
If you missed the premiere of Asbury Park: Riot, Redemption, Rock & Roll at the 2019 APMFF, now's your chance to see it as it launches worldwide in theaters May 22.
Join me, along with the Jersey Prize Team, Wednesday night May 22 at the AMC in Freehold for a special screening. I'll be there and we'll introduce the documentary with some very special guests from the film. (To get your tickets: click the link below, search for Freehold, then purchase tickets for May 22 at 7:00 pm. Due to popular demand they've added a showing at 7:30 pm as well. Please note I will only be at the earlier screening.)
I had the pleasure of narrating the film and can't wait for you all to see it, it's really good. The documentary tells the story of Asbury Park's long troubled past, but more importantly how the music scene of the time united the divided community.
Bruce Springsteen, Steven Van Zandt, Southside Johnny and more speak about their experiences playing at the legendary Upstage club, an after hours club where they got their start and where the shattered community found common ground to gather and unite.
Featuring never before seen performances and interviews the film tells the story of how the iconic 'Jersey sound' emerged from the the rubble of civil unrest, riots, and the destruction of the town.
Even still to this day, Asbury Park has the Upstage club, these musicians and their music to thank for it's resurrection and redemption.
If you can't make it to Freehold on May 22 for this special screening, you can check here to see additional theaters, dates, and times.
Director Tom Jones on my show talking about the film: