It’s way too early for this to be happening in New Jersey (Opinion)
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Everywhere you shop. You wouldn't think Christmas would be that big a deal on Sept. 19 when it's pushing 90 degrees, but when I walked into Lowe's to buy a dishwasher, there it was, the first Christmas display of 2022 that I saw.
Nothing against Lowe's who's got to keep up with everyone else but don't you think it's a little too early to be thinking about your holiday shopping? I'm still dealing with the attack of the pumpkin spice.
I have not even given a thought to the macaroni that I will be making for the Thanksgiving table, and yes macaroni belongs on the Thanksgiving table. Now we're jumping over two major holidays Halloween and Thanksgiving to jump right into Christmas and holiday shopping and decorating.
Remember the good old days when Christmas shopping started the day after Thanksgiving with Black Friday? Apparently, that's now a thing of the past.
Personally, when I see something year-round that I think someone will like I'll buy it and store it away until the holiday. Still, when I see Christmas in September, I'm reminded of more expenses coming on the horizon that I'm going to have to deal with while constantly trying to deal with the expenses of living in New Jersey.
I asked my social media following what they think of Christmas in September and here's what they thought.
Frank Schear
Not the Santa Christmas, but if the true meaning of Christmas, then yes.
Dianna Smith
It’s too early!! Let’s eat the bird first.
Ken Dolan
It has been said that a number of chains have warehouses filled with Christmas crap. Christmas is a made-up holiday. Just a money grab.
Chris McKelvey
It’s ridiculous now. My wife & I were in Home Depot and Lowes within the last week. Halloween & Christmas are both on display. It should go back to when I was a kid - Christmas displays went up on Black Friday!
Dominick Saraceno
Christmas retailers have gotten so ridiculous that Thanksgiving is almost forgotten in the sense that no one even decorates for the fall.
Carren Zienowicz Boyce
Absolutely not....it's become so commercialized. It is the celebration of the birth of Jesus. Let's keep its meaning genuine, not about the money in the pockets of the disingenuine.
Kenny Jones
Trev, I worked in a department store and they were always thinking ahead last week of August we’d have the “Christmas Fairies,” an outside company and they would set out Christmas display up even before Halloween went up. Was kinda nuts but you’d be surprised how much merch we sold Before Christmas was in full gear. Also, we’d get Valentine’s Day merch and candy in I’d say Dec. 18 and didn’t put that out until January.
Hershel Horn
It is very possible that Amazon will have a 2nd Prime Day in the fall. In the past, retailers were trying to woo shoppers with early sales. Now, many are fighting for survival and are pushing all they can to get into the black and out of the red.
Jeffrey Rafter
Same down here (Florida, making it even more weird.)
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Steve Trevelise only. Follow him on Twitter @realstevetrev.
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