How did Jon Stewart shame a government that’s totally shameless? — LIVE
There's been a lot of talk this week about Jon Stewart's appearance before Congress, shaming members for skipping a hearing on a victims' compensation fund to help 9/11 first-responders.
Our own Bill Spadea thought it was grandstanding. Jeff Deminski thought it was anything but. But Jim Gearhart thought it was something extraordinary for entirely different reasons.
"There were several headlines that said Jon Stewart shames the Congress," Jim said in this week's LIVE podcast, available each week here as well as on Apple Podcasts and Google Play. "If you can shame te most shameless organization, the most shameful organization on the hemisphere, you have done something truly remarkable."
Jim's podcast is presented each week LIVE at, as Jim and Bob Williams take your questions and comments in the Facebook chat.
Among the comments this week:
Bryan James Applegate: How do we go about taking our state back from morally corrupt Politicians who LOVE to spend us into insurmountable debt when NJ voters seem to be getting more apathetic towards the process? Bryan, when you solve that one, please let us know.
Leisa Briggs: Voter apathy is a disease that has spread like a virus due to so much corruption, sadly. Maybe so, but those of you paying attention and voting are the cure.
Chris Michaud: Murphy says he is Catholic but is for abortion. He says he is a capitalist but has socialist polices. He says he is pro-second amendment but is extremely anti-gun. Is he confused for full of crap? Can't a politician be both?
That's just part of what Jim and Bob Williams take on in the latest installment of his podcast. Check out the full episode to hear the rest. And email Jim at
The Jim Gearhart Podcast is available every week on New Jersey 101.5 and in the New Jersey 101.5 app. You can also subscribe with your favorite podcasting app for iPhones, Android devices or your computer:
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