Hey New Jersey, did you know there’s an election on June 7? (Opinion)
How many times have you and your friends and coworkers talked about a November election and recognized that the choices are both bad? What most people don't realize is you have the power to make those choices.
The primary is when Republicans and Democrats decide who will represent the party in November on the general election ballot.
In New Jersey though, there's a twist. If you are an unaffiliated voter, maybe because you can't stand either party, you can vote in the primary. That's right. Show up at the polling place on Tuesday, June 7, and declare that you want to vote in one of the primary contests.
We heard from several candidates this morning who are hoping to win their respective primary elections. If you missed the show and you are a candidate for office with either party, send Producer Kristen a note on the free New Jersey 101.5 app and we'll include you in the discussion before the vote.
Here's a sample of a few folks we spoke with on-air today.
Sergio Fossa is running for Commissioner in Ocean County. He talked about the role of the county government to make sure there is integrity in our election process and have every legal vote count. He also mentioned the "crooked three-legged stool" of real estate taxes with homeowners paying for schools, county government, and municipal government.
Listen here:
We also heard from Sergio's running mate, Ashley Lamb, who is running for Commissioner. She is already an elected member of the Board of Education in Toms River. She is fighting hard for voter integrity. Listen to her explain how ineffective government has become.
The pair are in "column A" in Ocean County and have been campaigning tirelessly for months hoping to get a shot at facing the voters in November. You can learn more about these two candidates HERE.
Gary Rich is running for Sheriff in Monmouth County taking on the incumbent Sean Golden who is the subject of an ethics complaint because Golden serves as the backroom dealing County Chairman as well as the Counties top LEO. Gary is looking to prioritize public safety, especially in light of the "pop-up riots" (as I call them) which have targeted Long Branch two years in a row.
Tom Mastrangelo is running for re-election as a Commissioner in Morris County and is in a heated battle for a spot on the November ballot. He explained HERE.
Nick DeGregorio also joined us to discuss his latest battle, after four deployments as a US Marine, to secure a spot to challenge incumbent Congressman Josh Gottheimer in the Fall.
To see the list of the Congressional candidates that I am personally supporting click HERE.
Other candidates who want you to know that they want your vote!
Stephen Rich for Monmouth County Commissioner
Dan Fransisco for Monmouth County Commissioner
Damon Galdo for Congress in District 1
Kevin Dorlon for Congress in District 7
Nicholas Ferrara for Congress in District 3
If you're not sure what District you are in, see below.
New Jersey's new congressional districts for the 2020s
New Jersey's new legislative districts for the 2020s
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Spadea. Any opinions expressed are Bill's own. Bill Spadea is on the air weekdays from 6 to 10 a.m., talkin’ Jersey, taking your calls at 1-800-283-1015.
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