‘Flash of sympathy’ for Craig Carton, Jim Gearhart’s hated ‘nemesis’
If you've been following the Jim Gearhart podcast, you know there's no love lost between the longtime New Jersey 101.5 broadcaster and one of his former peers on the WKXW lineup, Craig Carton.
"My longtime nemesis here at the radio station was indicted on Friday by a New York grand jury" on a variety of fraud charges, accused of running a Ponzi scheme to deal with millions of dollars in gambling debts, Jim says on the latest installment of the Jim Gearhart Show podcast, available here as well on iTunes and Google Play.
Nemesis? Isn't that a bit strong?
Not really. As you may remember from September, Jim says he never even met Carton — but that the former NJ101.5er was a "cancer on the radio station" who "for some reason he singled me out for just a blind hatred. He would get on the air and insult me every day."
Jim remembers Carton throwing fits, screaming at his superiors, making coworkers cry. He was overjoyed to seem him leave for other opportunities in 2007. Recount that here:
But this week, Jim says, thinking about Carton's alleged predicament — owing millions of dollars it would take about 22 years to pay off even if he didn't touch a dime of his salary for any other purpose — he's got a "flash of sympathy."
"Being at the mercy of gamblers is not the most comfortable place to be," Jim says.
It can't be cheap to pay for this house either.
Carton's lawyers have said he plans to plead not guilty to all charges.
"He and his lawyers say he's just a poor innocent man who somehow got tied up with the wrong people, fell in with the wrong crowd," Jim says. He remembers when that means you were stealing hubcaps, not allegedly stealing millions of dollars ... the scale has changed a bit over the years.
That's it's just part of what Jim takes on in the latest installment of his podcast. Check out the full episode to hear the rest. And Email Jim at Jim@NJ1015.com.
The Jim Gearhart Podcast is available every week on New Jersey 101.5 and in the New Jersey 101.5 app. You can also subscribe with your favorite podcasting app for iPhones, Android devices or your computer:
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— Townsquare Media staff
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