Experts say kids can go sledding without masks
New Jersey is experiencing its first real snow event of the season. Whether they'll still be going to school remotely is a matter for your school district, but they will want to go out and play in it at some point.
Although those cute little masks you got for the kids during the pandemic may provide a little extra warmth in the snow, medical experts say it's not necessary for them to wear them sledding when it comes to the pandemic.
We went looking for the consensus opinion in the great white north...Canada!
Northern states and Canada have been dealing with the issue for a couple of months now. They're even more strict about COVID rules than many U.S. states and the doctors there say "outside with your family unit, and split apart from others, it's totally safe." That's according to Dr. Isaac Bogoch, an infectious disease consultant at Toronto General Hospital in an interview with CTVNews.ca.
It was only four years ago that our state was hit with the largest snowfall in our history. Everyone seems to remember the big one of 1996, but not many of the people I spoke to can remember with as much clarity the one that his us between Jan. 22-24, 2016. It was Winter Storm Jonas and it dumped 28.1 inches on New Jersey.
I would imagine if it's safe to sled with members of your household without a mask, it's safe to shovel the driveway and walk without one, too. So, before the kids hit the hills, tell them to hit the driveway first!
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Dennis Malloy. Any opinions expressed are Dennis's own.
My kids just LOVING a snow day!
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