Drones not the only thing those at the NJ shore fear
Drones have been a huge topic as of late here in New Jersey. Not just at the Shore, but all over the Great Garden State. And not just in New Jersey, but also across the tri-state area.
I asked you about this during my Sunday morning show on Dec. 8, and some of your descriptions of these sightings were quite vivid. Probably one of the wildest ones involved seeing a white disc with red lights on them during the early morning hours.
Now I'll be the first to say, I have yet to see one of these drones, and I kind of feel like I'm missing out with these sightings. Or maybe I'm just not noticing them since I live near a military base and I'm used to hearing and seeing low-flying objects.
Nevertheless, because of the recent sightings, I decided to have a little fun during my show with our morning brain teasers. One direction I went involved UFOs and how around 10% of Americans insist they've witnessed them before.
But I also took it a step further and brought it back home as well. More specifically, home to the Jersey Shore. I also talked about a study that revealed what flying objects most beachgoers fear.
What's great about these trivia questions is that I also get to ask you your opinions, and the three top things you said you fear in the air at the Shore are, well, classic Jersey Shore responses.
One of those top answers was a frisbee. And to be honest, I can see that. Perhaps a gust of wind takes a frisbee from where it should be to flying into someone else's head. Certainly, something to be concerned about.
Another flying object our listeners said frightens them more than drones at the Shore is umbrellas. More specifically, when umbrellas are set up on a windy day they just suddenly go flying.
But the top answer you gave was also the answer I was looking for in that study. And what is that flying object you fear most at the Jersey Shore? It's that dreaded seagull.
Yup, apparently we fear seagulls more than flying drones when at the beach. The reason for this is quite simple. Seagulls are known for swooping down and snatching our food.
Now, if you have food and stare down an approaching seagull, it apparently is supposed to deter them from coming toward you. At least, that's what some experts claim.
And the last time I checked a flying drone won't take your food away, so I guess there's that. Not to take the focus off the mystery of the flying drones up and down the Garden State, but rather have a little bit of fun with it since, well, why not?
So aside from drones, is there anything else that makes you nervous flying in the air? Feel free to sound out in the comments. Especially at the beach, where those seagulls can swoop down at a moment's notice for your boardwalk fries.
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The above post reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 Sunday morning host & content contributor Mike Brant. Any opinions expressed are his own.