Do you know how much you’re paying your school superintendent? (Opinion)
You can bet it’s north of $150,000. Actually, if you look through the list compiled by the Patch, it’s probably north of $200,000. You can look up your superintendent and school principal HERE.
So why is it important to have the perspective that the taxpayers in New Jersey, YOU, are paying between $225,000,000 and $300,000,000 for 1500 bureaucrats? It’s important because it’s simply too much.
These are the same folks too scared to stand up to the bullies at the NJEA. These are the same bureaucrats who get to retire early on your dime and suffer ZERO consequences of the bad decisions they make throughout their career. To be fair, there are a few good ones who are educators above all else, but they get drowned out in a corrupt system that caters to useless bureaucrats who are focused on their own position and money instead of leading the charge for a great education.
Take the fall sports debacle as an example. We actually have adults talking about safety and health protocols knowing full well that the pandemic peaked and subsided in late April AND kids, even at the height of the virus, were largely unaffected. Kids are not dying from COVID. Actually, neither are healthy adults. The CDC was very clear that 94% of all the recorded deaths in the US had an average of 2.5 comorbidities.
We do know that kids suffer physically and mentally from a lack of exercise and socialization. We do know that suicides among young people was on the rise before the devastating shut down. We do know that alcohol and drug abuse are very real threats to young people. We do know that domestic abuse and child abuse are on the rise, especially with so many stuck at home. The bottom line is that kids need to be back in school. In person. Without masks. Without distance. And they need to be on the ball fields. Practicing with teammates. Running and exercising.
If you are in Princeton, you have your opportunity to have your voice heard. Call the superintendent Barry Galasso (609) 806-4200. Tell him to get the kids back on the field and stop playing into the ignorance and fear fueled by irresponsible media and government bureaucrats.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Spadea. Any opinions expressed are Bill's own. Bill Spadea is on the air weekdays from 6 to 10 a.m., talkin’ Jersey, taking your calls at 1-800-283-1015.
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