It was not long after Judge Glen Berman sentenced Dharun Ravi that First Assistant Prosecutor Julia McClure said she intends to appeal. Is this trip really necessary?

Judge Glen Berman

Do we really need to waste time and taxpayer money appealing the Dharun Ravvi sentence?

Ravi was sentenced to 30 days in jail, 3 years probation, given 300 hours of community service and told to contribute 10,000 dollars to a state licensed community based organization dedicated to assisting victims of bias crimes. Ravi of coutse was convicted for using a remote webcam to spy on his roommate Tyler Clementi, who later committed suicide. Ravi was not charged in Clementi’s death.

I think the sentence was fair. I think Ravi’s life will never be the same again. His name will forever be linked to this story. I don’t think he would ever do it again and I don’t see what is to be gained by putting both families through this again. It’s time for closure for the families. I also think a message has been sent to all who would even attempt anything like this again.

It’s just not worth spending a day in jail for let alone a month. I can’t see anything that would be gained by an appeal unless you’re trying to advance a personal agenda. There’s been enough of that in this case already.

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