Dennis Malloy: Immigrants are welcome, but don’t try and change us
For many generations, New Jersey was an easy destination for so many of the immigrant groups that sought a better life in America. It is right next to two major entry ports. My grandparents on both side were among them, coming in the early 20th century seeking a better life.
They barely spoke any English even by the time they passed away in their '90s. What was different to some immigrant groups today was they realized they came as guests and acted accordingly. Yes, acted accordingly!
They didn't tear down the institutions or whine about not being applauded when they got off the boat or look to blow it up. Hell, they were openly excluded from some neighborhoods or organizations. They knew they were outsiders and just happy to get here and have an opportunity to make a living and provide a better future for their kids.
Many immigrants today come with the same outlook and attitude, but some come with a sense of entitlement and even resentment that many of us can't even fathom. When we see people from a certain part of the world that want to make part of our county a small version of the world they left, it makes us mad. And when we see some of the hostility and contempt for this great country it makes our heads explode.
There has always been anti-immigrant resistance in this county, even though far less than in other countries. After all we are a melting pot and a country of immigrants. If you come to this country for a better life, welcome. But don't try to change this country or run it down or God forbid, try to kill our fellow citizens.
The recent bombings in New Jersey this past weekend illustrates how some immigrants and their view of our great country has changed. Maybe it's time to change how many and what kind of people we let into our great country.
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