Clock change should be a thing of the past (Opinion)
Twice a year, New Jerseyans, like most Americans, suffer the foolishness of changing the clocks by an hour. The worst time of year is the "Spring forward" event that is taking place this coming weekend.
I've written about this nearly every year that I've been on the air. There are so many reasons why it's time to stop changing the clocks altogether. Health, safety, productivity, all could be supported by one decision.
Stick with Daylight Savings and stop changing the clocks going forward.
Here's what I wrote in 2017 about the increase in energy use:
The original arguments for Daylight Savings Time are based on energy savings. Although there are now several studies that show it actually is having the opposite effect. One reason is that in the summer months air conditioning is running on lower settings longer into the evening.
And about the adverse impact on farming:
In my research of this very important subject that is forced on the American people twice a year, It turns out that the time changes are also detrimental to dairy cows. Who knew? What jumped out at me is that it isn’t the time forward or back that upsets the cows … and the people … it’s the very act of changing.
In 2019, I called for the federal government to get involved and finally make Standard Time a thing of the past.
This is a great idea, but it requires action at the Federal Level as DST is optional for states, but Standard Time is mandated by the feds.
There are certainly benefits of longer summer days and not driving home in the dark at 4:30 p.m. So let's get the message to the politicians in D.C. It's time to #BanStandardTime.
Will any New Jersey member of Congress or candidate commit to submitting a bill to move the entire nation forward and have the clocks change this one last time? If only to shut me up so I can stop writing about this every year.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Spadea. Any opinions expressed are Bill's own. Bill Spadea is on the air weekdays from 6 to 10 a.m., talkin’ Jersey, taking your calls at 1-800-283-1015.

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